Sunday, 31 July 2011

Interested in Adoration? You can buy these puppies at my online store for only $16 AUS

Saturday, 30 July 2011


If you are interested in buying anything please feel free to visit my online stores at -

May you be blessed with the spirit of the creative!

Requiem For a Dream

Fantasy that secret place in my mind where I can feel heaven...

Friday, 29 July 2011


The Artist Way changed my life! I can't recommend this book enough.

I don't know how many times I caught myself saying "I'm not creative...I'm not an artist.." Only to find out how inaccurate that statement is. I am extraordinarily creative! In fact, I have discovered, everyone is.
The issue for me was the unblocking of my inner artist - "discovering and recovering my creative self".
I now know that the soul is joined to the heart, and in the heart creativity and emotion bleed together to form bliss. What is life without heart? Without love and life there is no meaning. For me, and I can only speak for me because everyone has the right to their own experience, without creativity there is no light in my life.
I went from person to person searching for this truth only to become disappointed and defeated again and again when I couldn't find my authentic self. I searched in every geographical place I could locate - including the ones in my mind. The sad thing was all I had to do was stand still, pick up some tools, and allow grace to move gently within my heart.

I now "use the tools of creative recovery" on a daily basis, as well as my own spiritual practices. Morning pages and Artist Dates are an absolute in my life. I find the freedom incredible!


The best oline bead store I know!

Thursday, 28 July 2011