Monday, 15 August 2011


I love the sound of the frogs

outside my window

the rain has brought them in

they comfort me with their melody

at night when the earth is still

and souls are resting

I listen for the frogs

comfort, comfort, comfort

sing me your melody

that I may be still too

sing me the way of the old earth

where heaven meets the horizon

and all is well

help me

frogs to see the world

as it once was

still and in colour
By Amy Jane

Monday, 8 August 2011


Today I go deep into my creativity and feel the passion there.
I am whole and healed and free today.
I am close to my own heart and therefore close to God.
I live in the paradise of my mind's eye.
I embrace the beauty all around me with a glad heart.
I am well
I trust in the process of life today.
I am blessed.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Day Dreaming
I adore the thought of day dreaming. Some say it's a waste of time - I say it's part of art. I like to retreat to that quiet arena that allows me amplitude and fervour.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


  1. I am calm today!
  2. I am unaffected by the worlds clamours and expectations.
  3. I am in the middle of God's Grace.
  4. I am happy, joyous and free today.
  5. I let go of angry thoughts: I am peaceful.
  6. I am generous in spirit as well as in nature.
  7. All my relationships are harmonious. (this one's from Louise Hay)
  8. My relationship with God is strong and therefor forgiveness comes easily to me.
  9. I AM FREE!